Nuevos Álbumes

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Los Zafiros

Los Zafiros


Los Zafiros quartet was created in 1961 by Nestor Milí and later on directed by Manolo Galván. Their style and the distinctive nature of their vocal arrangements dated back to the 1930s, that is, during the so-called "swing" era, when several vocal ensembles became famous for their performances in jazz bands.  This influence was strongly felt in Cuba, and groups like Isolina Carrillo´s, Facundo Rivero´s, and Las Hermanas Lago´s quartets, among others, are top examples, whose musical legacy was absorbed by Los Zafiros.
After the disappearance of the original quartet, famous in Cuba and abroad, a new one --Los Nuevos Zafiros-- was created in 1986 with the purpose of continuing its tradition. Their premise has been to respect the style and the sonority of the original quartet and though keeping its anthological repertoire, many contemporary songs were also included.